Your Order


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Your Selection Order
If you have ordered within the order period (7 days from the release of the gallery) your order will be processed and printed with all the centre orders. 

You can expect delivery of your order to your Childcare centre within 7-10 days. 

Your order is printed within Australia using a Professional Photo lab. It is checked for quality and packed ready for delivery to your Childcare Centre. 

Your Childcare centre will notify you when the order is ready for pickup. A notification on our Facebook page will also let you know that all orders have been delivered to the Centre. 

If you do not make your selection. 
Two notification emails are send out to remind you to make your selection. If your selection is not made within that time, I will select your images for you. This is so that there is no delay in getting all the orders to the centre.  

Extra Orders after Selection Period
Your gallery will be open for 3 months after the release. You can purchase any additional photos during that time. Once the gallery has expired please contact me. 

If you have any questions in regards to your order please don't hesitate to contact us using our contact page.

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