After the Photo Week


What's Next after the Photo week at your Childcare Centre. 

Photo week was last week and your child had their photo taken, what happens now?

It takes 21 - 28 (4 weeks) days for all the photos to be processed, sorted and uploaded to the gallery ready for you to view. 

Photos are edited to look their best, little faces are cleaned up if they have scratches. 

All children's faces are wiped and cleaned before photos, but sometimes these things still show up. 

MKP Child

Please note I do not remove scars from children's faces unless you specifically ask me to do so. 

In some instances where a child has recently had chickenpox and still has scars on their face, I can and will remove them, please email me and let me know when you pre-order your photo collection. 

If there are lots of photos to clean up, you might only see one toughed up in the gallery. Any images that you order will then be touched up before they are sent to be printed. Those digital images will be emailed to you. 

Once the gallery is ready, you will receive an email from Modern Kindy Photos.  There will also be a notification on our Facebook page letting parents know that their gallery is ready. Please check your junk mail folder for an email from  This is the email that is sent out from our website.

Your Childcare centre will also be notified that emails have been sent. 

If you still haven't received your email with the gallery code to view your photos, please email us using the contact page on our website, filling out all the details. 

Sometimes internet gremlins decide that my email goes to your junk mail. Unfortunately, this is totally out of my control, so I do ask that you check your junk mail folder just in case. 

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